Take the BBC’s Big Money test – knowledge is power! | DiscountCoder.com Blog

Take the BBC’s Big Money test – knowledge is power!

Everyone’s at it! The money saving bug is turning into an epidemic. There’s a fast growing collection of resources to help you sort out your cahsflow and get back on the straight and narrow. And one of the best must be the good old BBC. Watchdog’s Big Money Test has been launched and it’s online now, waiting for you to plumb in your numbers.

Martin Lewes of the respected and trusted Money Saving Expert site sits at the helm, which is great stuff. He isn’t a man to mince his words – we like that! – and he regular tears strips off financial services and other companies who don’t have the consumer’s best interests at heart.

What’s the deal?  All it takes is twenty minutes to complete the test. In return you get to discover the ins and outs of your relationship with your cash, by personlised video, whether it’s totally dysfunctional or squeaky clean. You’ll find out how to make your money go further. And at the same time you’ll be contributing to ground breaking scientific research into our emotions, beliefs and motivations about – and our attitude to – our money. 

The amount of personal debt in the UK is still at record levels and millions of us waste hundreds, often thousands, of pounds paying loan and debt interest… when a bit of knowledge and common sense could save us a fortune.  The test,  created by Professors Adrian Furnham and Mark Fenton O’Creevy, is designed to uncover patterns and trends in the nation’s spending habits for the first time. The results should be fascinating.

So head over to www.bbc.co.uk/watchdog/ and take part in the biggest ever UK finance survey ever. As well as finding out how to spend less and get much more out of your income!

Published April 21, 2011 & Filed in Discount Coder Chat

Tags: BBC Watchdog big money test

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