Recession is over | Blog

Recession is over

At long last the doom and gloom of the recession is over for the UK.

It was recently announced that the UK is officially out of recession and I for one am over the moon. But, I have to be honest and say that it didn’t feel quite as bad as I originally thought. Sure, we had to tighten up our belts a little, everybody did, but it didn’t stop us going, doing and seeing the things we enjoy. In fact it made those things even cheaper!

One positive to take away from these tough financial times is that many retailers have realised the potential in discount codes, and now consider it standard practice to offer them as part of their online marketing strategy. Which means we can carry on bringing you the biggest and best discounts right into 2010.

Stick with us and you are sure to save a small fortune on lot of your online purchases!! Happy shopping!

Published January 27, 2010 & Filed in Discount Coder Chat

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