Make extra cash doing simple services for busy people
Time is one of our most precious commodities. Most of us don’t have enough of it to get the essentials done, never mind relax and have fun. Our weekends are packed solid with washing, housework, car stuff, kid stuff… you blink and it’s Sunday night. All of which is good news if you have spare time and need extra cash… you’re in the perfect position to offer everyday services to busy people and help take the pressure off.
Here’s a few simple money making ideas to inspire you:
- make money doing people’s washing or ironing, either in your home or at their place
- generate extra cash doing gardening and garden clearance
- offer de-cluttering services clearing out, tidying and re-organising offices, homes, sheds, outbuildings and garages
- make cash pet sitting for hamsters, gerbils, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hens, goats…
- do dog walking and dog sitting, where you look after a dog or dogs during the working day and keep each other company
- sewing and mending
- general handyman services
- organising and recording small business or household income, expenditure, tax, accounts and cashflow
- taking care of house plants and gardens, monitoring homes while people are on holiday
- provide at-home teaching to show people how to use the internet / look after their computers
- take stuff to the tip
Things to remember:
- note how much you’re making/investing and prepare to pay tax. You might fall under the minimum tax bracket and pay nothing but it’s better safe than sorry and it’s always wise to keep records
- if people will visit your home for any business reason you’ll need indemnity / liability insurance just in case they’re injured or whatever at your place – ask an insurance broker for advice about the best policy for the job
- if you’re running a business from home, no matter how small or casual, let your home insurance company know. At worst they’ll add a bit to your premium or include an endorsement. At best they’ll just make a note of it on your file. If you don’t tell them they could refuse to pay claims, whether or not your claim has anything to do with your business
Published September 28, 2011 & Filed in Discount Coder Chat
Tags: make cash, make extra cash, make money, money making ideas
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