Pinterest is great fun. I’ve spent hours exploring it and getting inspiration from people all over the world. This is one of my favourites and right up our street: a pretty, practical garden light, perfect to hold tea lights on a summer’s evening and made from the simplest, cheapest imaginable bits ‘n’ bobs.
Here’s a link:
How do you make it?
1. collect some glass jars. You can use tiny, weeny ones or make a giant chandelier from big coffee jars and extra-sturdy wire
2. tie wire or a chain around the mouth of each jar to create a loop to hang it by
3. find a circular piece of metal or wood to suspend your jars from, either with holes in it or thin enough to cut or poke holes through. I found a cheap wooden embroidery frame, which is perfect, and hung my jars far enough below the frame to prevent it going up in flames
4. suspend each jar from a little hook, available from hardware shops
5. create a wire loop from which to hang your creation