Love it or hate it, sports discount codes score high!
I remember standing shivering, skinny and ginger-haired and freckly, in the snow. Which still covered the school’s so-called ‘all weather’ pitch completely, but had melted everywhere else. Wearing a laughable PE kit. Nose running with the cold, knock-kneed and chronically shy, hating playing sport more than anything on the planet.
I still hate it. I do loads of exercise but the thought of taking part in any kind of competitive or team sports makes me want to cry. Or scream. Or run away. Just like it did all those years ago at school.
We have an excellent selection of sports discount codes on-site for you sporty types and team players. Plus sports gear discounts for a load of rufty-tufty non-competitive sports like hiking, climbing, ghyll scrambling, mountain biking, Parcourt and cycling. The kind of activities where you compete against yourself, battling against your own physical and spiritual limitations, not other people’s.
That’s my kind of physical activity. Something that involves endurance, hanging on for grim death, much gritting of teeth and girding of the proverbial loins!
Here’s a few of both types to whet your appetite. Everything from specialists in the beautiful game to golf stuff, tennis kit, rugby, rowing, bicycle speed trials and more. For kids and grown ups, teams and individuals.
- Absolute footy discount codes* for everything football-related you can imagine
- Adidas discount codes* for classic sports and street wear
- Board Sport Warehouse discount codes* for skaters, surfers, windsurfers and more
- Alpine Bikes discount codes* for superb two-wheeled bargains
- Chelsea football club discount codes*
- Lathams Fishing discount codes*
- Simply Swim discount codes*
* link removed due to page removal
Published June 23, 2011 & Filed in Discount Coder Chat
Tags: absolute footy discount codes, adidas discount codes, alpine bikes discount codes, board sport discount codes, chelsea football club discount codes, lathams fishing discount codes, sports discount codes
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