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Scandalous! Cost cutting news for August 2014
RBS fined for hopeless mortgage advice Royal Bank of Scotland has been slammed for giving 99% of their…read more
Are ordinary punters being priced out of vintage fashion?
Isn’t it always the way. Classic economics is a bugger. For years and years vintage fashion has been…read more
Ego-free shopping – 7 tips for buying wisely
Why did you choose your current car model? Because it was a cult classic, the best-looking, the car that…read more
The vintage fur coat dilemma – And what to do with one
Only the very rich, very ignorant and very unpleasant wear brand new fur coats these days. But what…read more
Keeping your finger firmly on the money pulse
There’s a constant stream of news that affects our finances, either directly or indirectly. Here are some of…read more