When I was at junior school we spent endless hours finger-knitting, a pointless exercise if there ever was one! All you’d end up with was a long string of loose wool loops, impossible to sew together into anything resembling a garment.
I never learned the fine art of knitting. But on a recent visit with an arty friend, who lives on a fabulous houseboat over at Shoreham harbour, I discovered felting. And I’m lost in admiration.
Apparently I’m not the only one. And knitting is big business these days too, probably because of the make-do-and-mend, back to basics, DIY and money-saving culture we’ve found ourselves in since the recession and banking crisis first bit us on the collective bum.
Once the territory of old ladies and about as far from fashionable as it gets, knitting and crochet are experiencing a revolution, joined by felting where you transform wool magically into soft, thick felt then turn it into bags, hats, placemats and all sorts of creative fancies. I simply can’t resist giving it a go.
Beautiful British wool
British wool is hot property, grown in this country on our own sheep, incredibly popular and desirable with craft lovers, creative fashionistas and arty types. Men are knitting too, flocking in their droves to online wool shops and getting together for knitting sessions at home, in pubs and even on commuter trains. They’re finding out what women have known for centuries… that knitting is a surprisingly powerful calming and meditative stress-buster.
Loads of cool knitting accessories
Want to join the fun? Want to grab a low cost wool bargain? Or find knitting and crochet books and patterns, needlecraft kits and needles? Sew and Make have a fabulous collection, including a host of gorgeous British wools like jewel-coloured and subtle masterpieces by Artesano and gorgeous recycled yarn by Rowan. Plus haberdashery, embroidery equipment, beautiful buttons and more.
Clearance sale page and bargain wools
If you want free delivery on some of the softest, best quality British wools ever, click this way and enjoy browsing the creative possibilities at Sew and Make