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Read a little more about AbeBooks…

The company launched in 1996 and changed the used book market for the better. They pride themselves on being able to find virtually any book, as they tap into various other booksellers and contacts around the world. They offer a wider selection of books than the general high street store and have expanded hugely over the years, this includes children’s stories, fictional novels, art books, recipe books and music books to name a few. They can even help with out of print books, collectibles, textbooks you name it they will have it or “will know a man who has”.

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How to save money using AbeBooks discount codes…

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A few things you never knew about AbeBooks…

Originally AbeBooks was founded by two couples from Canada, but more recently have become a subsidiary of Amazon.com.

In 2003 they were referred to as one of the world’s leading ecommerce companies by the United Nations at its World Summit.

They have six international sites around the world in various languages, so for the multi-lingual talented people out there, there is even more reason for you to take a look, especially if you are trying to impress someone with your language prowess.

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A little on AbeBooks

AbeBooks is a supplier of both new and used books, whether it is a bestseller or a rare 1st edition they will find it for you. If we can help along the way by saving you a pound or two, why not worm out our AbeBooks deals and wiggle out a bargain.

Page updated on th 5th of March 2013 by Jennifer Endean

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