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Check out our blog…
An ode to tap water: drink it, citizens!
The man on TV, somewhere in steaming hot central Africa, explained to the interviewer that a charity’s support meant his village now had fresh, cool water to drink… for…read more
Week 2 – Planning a month’s meals up front
We’ve been talking about saving money on food bills by planning your evening meals meticulously up front. Later this week we’ll be looking at saving cash on lunches…read more
More than 400 meat free recipes
Meat is expensive stuff, especially if you’re determined to stick to free range, organic meat. The meat-free Monday campaign has been running for some time, a sensible way…read more
Annual food waste in Sussex hits £21 million
Our local paper proclaimed last night that £21 million worth of food is chucked in the bin in East Sussex every year. Which is downright shocking when so…read more
Eat less, waste less, save money on food
There’s me wondering what to write about today, sitting in my studio with our cats Dave, Steve and Molly by my side and Radio 4 for company. Then…read more
An extreme money saving tip to extend your lifespan and ‘health span’
A while back New Scientist magazine announced research that showed how fasting can be a route to a longer lifespan. Eating less is apparently very good for us….read more
Meat-free feasts part 1: Great for you pocket and your health
When I was little we ate meat at the weekend but the rest of the week my parents couldn’t afford it. So we did without. We weren’t unusual….read more